

 His Grace
  Archbishop Siegfried Mandla Jwara CMM.
  Archbishop of Durban.
 His Excellency
 Bishop Elias Kwenzakufani Zondi.
Auxiliary Bishop of Durban.
Reverend Father
Julian Francis Davey.
Chancellor and Official Spokesperson.



Pope Francis was recently admitted to Rome's Gemelli Hospital after experiencing breathing difficulties for several days.
Let us continue to keep the Holy Father in our prayers, offering a decade of our daily rosary for his health, wellbeing, and recovery.


The Pilgrimage has been advertised in all parishes, to all youth across the Archdiocese of Durban.
May all come, from the green hills of the midlands to the sandy beaches of the coast, to be nourished by our priests in an atmosphere of prayer.

The countdown has begun…


This last weekend, on the 8th of March, the Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Durban celebrated his birthday.


A Mass Wine approved and endorsed by the SACBC and the Archdiocese of Durban.
Mr Rob Paul recently gave an exciting and informative presentation on Mass Wine and the canonical requirements that need to be met for compliance purposes, which a newly launched official product servicing our parishes is fulfilling across the region.
Archbishop Jwara CMM has already written to parishes encouraging the consideration and purchase of this official product, and as such it can be found on the Southern African Catholic Bishops page:
Purchasing from this official portal provides safety, peace of mind, and convenience.


The Archdiocese of Durban recently held it's DPC Finance Meeting with all parish priests and their respective PPC and PFC delegates at the Parish of the Immaculate Conception in Pinetown.
There were many informative presentations throughout the morning by Mr. Tapiwa Chikwani (Financial Administrator), Mr. Rob Paul (SACBC Mass Wine Supplier), and the Knights Insurance Brokers.
The DPC Finance Meeting reflects the commitment of the Archdiocese to accountability, and to keeping parish structures informed and up-to-date of policies and procedures.
Archbishop Jwara CMM concluded the day with a sincere expression of gratitude towards those parish communities who have traditionally supported Seminarians Formation with the issuing of special certificates of recognition from the Archdiocese.
May the Lord continue to bless our leadership structures at the Chancery and at every parish, with a renewed commitment in this Jubilee Year to administrative and pastoral diligence and dedication in service to the people of God.


Our brilliant and hard working Archdiocesan Commissions recently attended intensive training in Budgeting, Fundraising, Proposal and Report Writing.
This is an important step in enabling skills, knowledge and experience in dealing with funders and how to earmark funding for projects or programs.
A representative from fundraising consultancy DMI facilitated the training for Coordinators and Chaplains.
We thank the coordinators of the Commissions who were in attendance for their continued dedication and tireless commitment in support of the Archdiocese and its many programs:


Yesterday (19-02-25), the Archdiocese of Durban held its Annual Clergy Study Day at the Parish of St Joseph, Morningside, Durban.
Beginning with an opening reflection and prayer by Fr Sihle Manci, the program moved forward at a good pace under the watchful eyes and efficient direction of Bishop Elias Zondi and Fr Julian Davey.
The importance of Spiritual Direction, Marriage Preparation, and Catechetical Formation were addressed, as well as receiving feedback from Archbishop Jwara CMM on the Bishops Plenary.
His Grace gave the clergy some exiting news on structural changes for funding and fundraising in the Archdiocese, and emphasized the need for a renewed commitment to liturgical norms.
Overall, Study Days like this reflect the clergy hard at work, and the Archdiocese moving forward together as Pilgrims of Hope into 2025!!!
Spot your priest 📸


The Catechetical Coordinators of the Archdiocese of Durban met this last weekend for their First Archdiocesan Meeting of 2025.
They discussed the Catechetical Ministry, both its joys and challenges, as well as reflecting on the Jubilee Year.
Furthermore, there was a presentation by a social worker who assisted them in reflecting on the important topic of how to evangelise Gen Z and Gen Alpha teens and youth.
Images courtesy of Fr S. Mpanza 📸


A most beautiful celebration took place this weekend at St Anne's Catholic Parish Sydenham where the community came together and gave praise, thanks, honour, and glory to God for 100 years of light and love in His service.
His Grace, Archbishop Jwara CMM presided, along with the parish priest, Fr Mdu Mchunu OMI, and fellow clergy on the sanctuary.
The parish turnout was wonderful, and as can be seen from the images a Holy Spirit of great joy moved through the people.
A centenary is an important milestone in the life of a community, and we pray that the Lord may continue to bless St Anne’s, its clergy, and its people, with much wisdom and courage, dedication and devotion, for the next 100 years, and many more beyond.
Please head to our official Archdiocese of Durban Facebook Page for more – follow the link in the image below.


His Grace, Archbishop Jwara CMM was ordained 38 years ago this day, on the 14th of Feb 1987.
We once more wish him all of the best of God’s blessings in his ministry as he continues to answer the Lord’s call.


This last Sunday (9th Feb) witnessed a great gathering at the Emmanuel Cathedral in the Durban CBD where clergy and the faithful were joined by high-ranking dignitaries from national and local government, as well as the judiciary, in honour of our Archbishop, Siegfried Mandla Jwara CMM.
Celebrating both his birthday and his anniversary, there was great jubilation and joy in thanking the Lord for the gift of His shepherd who continues to steer our Archdiocese towards greener pastures and better tomorrows.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude to God that we honour Archbishop Jwara CMM, for the divine providence of the Lord has given to the faithful of Durban a shepherd who has taken up the mantle of leadership with wisdom and courage, dedication, and diligence.
We pray that the Holy Spirit may bless him, guide him, guard him, inspire him, invigorate him, and always be ever at his side, deepening his faith and aiding him in his ministry to all.
We thank Fr David Sithole, and the Emmanuel Cathedral Durban for all the hard work in making the day such a wonderful occasion.
Please head to our official Archdiocese of Durban Facebook Page for more – follow the link in the image below.


Last week, the Youth from all across the archdiocese gathered in celebration and jubilation at Sacred Heart Catholic Parish in Tongaat for a revival that lasted from dusk until dawn.
Archbishop Jwara CMM, along with clergy, and the Youth Leadership led our young people in praise and prayer.
May they become Pilgrims of Hope to the world, carrying the light of Christ which they have received back to their parish communities.

Photos courtesy of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Tongaat Facebook Page & Mr Mbongeni Cele Chris on behalf of the Youth.


Grateful for His Grace, we hope that he celebrated his birthday surrounded with love and generosity.
May the Holy Spirit continue to enlighten and inspire him, helping to guide and guard his steps as he continues to lead the Archdiocese.

With the beautiful city of Durban in the background, we ask the faithful to continue keeping Archbishop Jwara CMM in their prayers and well-wishes.

Remember that a major celebration is planned at the Emmanuel Cathedral next weekend, please check with the Cathedral for more details.


We offer our congratulations, along with prayers and blessings, to the Archdiocese of Johannesburg on the installation of their new Archbishop at St Benedict's College in Bedfordview today (25-01-2025).
May the Holy Spirit inspire, guide, and guard, Cardinal Brislin as he takes up his new role as shepherd of the flock in Johannesburg.

Photo Credit: Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (2024) 📸


Our Archbishop Jwara CMM, Chancellor and Spokesperson Fr Julian Davey, as well as the Vicar For Faith Formation Fr Sfiso Mpanza came together with Catechists from all parishes across the Archdiocese who gathered with much joy and celebration for their official Commissioning this last Sunday (19-01-2025).
This marks the begining of a Catechetical year, and the theme selected was “Embracing Hope as we participate in Evangelizing Catechesis”.

May all those responsible for passing on the teaching of the Church be blessed with wisdom, dedication, and a deep personal faith that never falters.


At the Emmanuel Cathedral Durban, on Epiphany Sunday, great crowds gathered to celebrate the official launch of the Jubilee “Pilgrims of Hope” in the Archdiocese.

Archbishop Jwara CMM, Bishop Zondi, Chancellor and Spokesperson Fr Julian Davey, together with Fr David Sithole as Administrator of the Cathedral, Fr Denardo Gnagnapragas as MC, and other clergy from across the Archdiocese came together to mark this most historic event.

Archbishop Jwara CMM blessed the Jubilee Candle and carried its light into the empty Cathedral followed by Bishop Zondi, the attending clergy, and the people of God in a great symbolic gesture of being led by the Hope that is Christ, who is the light of the world.

From this great candle, seven others were lit by representatives of each deanery signaling the Jubilee being carried to all corners of the Archdiocese where soon there will be in each parish planned activities and celebrations culminating in an Archdiocese-wide event.

A special thanks to Fr David Sithole and Fr Denardo Gnagnapragas for the hosting and organization of the Jubilee Launch, which provided a great start to such an important year.


According to the wishes of His Grace, Archbishop Jwara CMM, please would all visitors to this site and all clergy/parishioners throughout the Archdiocese of Durban pray for a peaceful resolution to the Middle Eastern Conflict as well as to the conflict in Eastern Europe (Russia/Ukraine). We implore the aid of Our Lady to bring leaders of nations to the negotiating table, and to turn the hearts of all men towards reconciliation. 

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

From this moment I entrust these initiatives to the maternal intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, asking her to sustain our efforts and those of humanity in order to achieve peace.

We ask you, Queen of Peace,
to help us respond with the power of truth and love
to the new and unsettling challenges of the present moment.
Help us also to pass through this difficult period,
that disturbs the serenity of so many people,
and to work without delay to build every day and everywhere
a genuine culture of peace.

  • – Pope St John Paul II

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