Mission is the reason we exist…
The missionary evangelical zeal is what fills the Church with a never-ending drive to preach the Gospel in all lands, at all times, to all people.
With the love of God and the blessing of the great commission (Matt 28:16-20) the Church spreads Her wings and flies to every corner of the Earth.
We are Her voice, We are Her hands, We are Her feet…
Each of us carries within themselves the duty to be a missionary – in the office, in the field, in the home, in the school… to “BE" the Church in the World.
The Mission Appeal serves this duty in a very special way through your generosity. The Appeal helps the Church be a vessel for this radical evangelization, it helps the Church bring comfort and hope to the afflicted, it helps the Church bring light and life to the world.
In short, your contribution to this Mission, in this way, helps to spread the Good News and fulfill, even in the smallest of ways, the Great Commission:
All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always…
– Matt (28:16-20) –
World Mission Sunday – 24th October 2021
Below you will find some downloadable resources to use on the day, as well as the banking details for the Mission Appeal.
Bank Name: FNB
Account Name: Mission Appeal
Account Number: 5084491452
Branch Code: 250 655